~3 SEATS LEFT~ LIVE Cosmetic PRP Facelift and Facial Training with Microneedling Hands-On Saturday April 12, 2025 1pm Phoenix (10.25 credits)




Up to 10.25 Live CME Credit Hours.

This is a hotel-based course.  Blood cannot be spun, but there is Microneedling hands-on and demonstration of PRP technique.

Fast Track Training This is a FAST TRACK(TM) Course.  Course login and password will be delivered to you via email shortly after the order is completed.  The online component must be watched in its entirety and passed prior to the live course date.

Syllabus book and all patient handouts may be downloaded and printed directly from the course module.

All online course access includes free updates and will expire 2 years after purchase.  Renew your online course for an additional 2 years and another CME certificate here

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