A functional adrenal disorder can have serious effects on a patient’s health. Furthermore, adrenal fatigue is quite a common condition, and it is more likely to occur in individuals who are under high levels of stress on a chronic, long-term basis. Here’s what you need to know about the condition and why it’s important to provide adrenal testing to determine if a patient is suffering from this condition.
What Can Adrenal Disorders Do to the Body And Mind?
Adrenal fatigue results in extremely low levels of cortisol in the body. Cortisol levels rise dramatically when an individual is under consistent, high levels of stress. However, it serves a wide range of vital functions within the body, which is a key reason why treating adrenal fatigue is important.
Therefore, it’s important to make sure that patients maintain sufficient levels of it at all times. Adrenal fatigue dramatically disrupts this. That’s why treating adrenal fatigue is so important. Here’s what adrenal fatigue can do to a person’s mental and physical health:
- Constant Fatigue
Many people who suffer from adrenal fatigue find themselves too tired to complete common day-to-day tasks, such as work, house cleaning, and maintenance, or even spending time with family. This state of exhaustion can lead to increased stress, which only worsens the whole situation.
Fortunately, there is a way to put an end to this vicious cycle, which starts with lowering stress levels. This will allow adrenal functioning to return to a normal state, and patients will probably find that they aren’t as fatigued as a result of these improvements.
- Craving Salty Foods
Many people who suffer from adrenal fatigue crave salty foods, but eating large amounts of these foods typically does not alleviate the symptoms. In addition, the high salt content in these foods can have a negative effect on one’s health. This is due to the fact that salty foods can raise blood pressure, place a strain on the kidneys, and even lead to dehydration.
- Adrenal Issues Can Cause Problems With Mood
Many adrenal fatigue sufferers find that they constantly feel “gray” and dull, which can seriously harm their overall quality of life. This “gray” feeling can make it difficult or even impossible to enjoy things that they once did, which can lead to a state of clinical depression.
The persistent “gray” feeling can snowball because the problems with their mood can have a negative effect on their overall health. As a result, this can cause them to struggle even more with their mood and state of mind. The constant struggle can make it even harder to break the vicious cycle, which can lead to a decline in their overall state of mind.
What Is the Process of Diagnosing Adrenal Fatigue?
Unfortunately, most conventional doctors deny that adrenal fatigue exists. Thus, they do not perform tests to diagnose it. However, some physicians and alternative medicine practitioners have begun to investigate the condition. Unfortunately, blood tests are not able to detect minor decreases in the functioning of the adrenal glands.
Due to this, there aren’t any commonly ordered blood tests to look for adrenal fatigue. However, there are indicators that may point to the presence of the condition. Medicine practitioners use these tests for diagnosing adrenal fatigue:
- Salivary Cortisol Level Tests: Low levels of cortisol in the body can be a sign that a patient is suffering from adrenal fatigue. The adrenal glands create cortisol, and if they are not functioning well, the levels of this hormone will go down. However, the decrease is not always dramatic. Therefore, it will be important to look for subtle decreases that occur over time, which is a key indicator of adrenal fatigue starting to develop.
- Assessment of Symptoms: The symptoms that a patient experiences can indicate whether or not they are suffering from adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue typically causes symptoms, such as feeling tired constantly without reason, a “gray” mood, and a lack of enjoyment in things they once enjoyed. Another key feature of adrenal fatigue is an ongoing state of being extremely stressed.
How Can an Adrenal Fatigue Doctor Treat It?
Adrenal fatigue is treatable. In some cases, this involves medications or herbal remedies. However, any adrenal fatigue doctor will agree that reducing stress levels can be highly beneficial for people who suffer from the condition. In fact, lowering your level of stress is crucial for individuals who are recovering from adrenal fatigue. Here are some examples of ways that patients can reduce their stress level if adrenal testing shows they have a problem with adrenal glands:
- Improve Your Sleep Habits: It’s important to make sure that those with this condition get 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. This will help to ensure that their body is able to fully “recharge” before the new day begins, which can go a long way towards lowering their stress levels.
- Eat a Healthy Diet: Eating a healthy diet can help those with adrenal issues manage the stress that they experience more effectively. It’s extremely important to make sure that they get enough essential vitamins and minerals, and they should follow the guidance of the FDA in order to ensure that they get enough carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. Patients should avoid empty calories as much as possible.
- Avoid Watching Stressful TV Before Bed: Those with this condition should avoid watching stressful news programs before they go to bed. This can disrupt their quality of sleep, which can put them in a state of high stress during the day.
Herbal Remedies Are Often Beneficial for People With Adrenal Disorders
Herbs that decrease one’s overall stress levels can be quite beneficial for some people who suffer from the condition. These are a few examples of herbs that are commonly used to treat people with an adrenal fatigue diagnosis:
Vitamins B5 and B6 are instrumental in balanced adrenal function.
- Valerian Root: It’s possible to take low doses during the day to promote a more relaxed state of mind, and it can also help patients sleep at night. Valerian root helps the body relax and fall asleep, which is important if they’re suffering from high levels of chronic stress.
- Melatonin: Melatonin is not an herb but a hormone. This supplement can help patients fall asleep faster.
- Chamomile: This herb can promote a calmer state of mind. Furthermore, it helps patients sleep better, which is beneficial for people with an adrenal fatigue diagnosis.
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