Benefits of Platelet-Rich Plasma Facelift Treatment

Near Eye Injection at Spa Salon

The desire to restore the beauty of their youth is a strong motivation for people to seek out aesthetic and wellness services. Thankfully for them, there are treatments designed to help them appear younger and more full of life. Platelet-Rich Plasma facelifts are one possible treatment that offers extensive cosmetic benefits. If you are a […]

Learn about The Cosmetic Uses of Platelet-Rich Plasma – PRP

Since the first dermatologists isolated platelet rich plasma from people’s blood, they’ve developed many uses for this enriching substance. When it comes to cosmetic applications, platelet rich plasma can promote skin elasticity, lessen wrinkles and skin folds, reduce the appearance of scars, and improve complexion and texture. These cosmetic uses of platelet rich plasma, or […]

PRP Face Lift Pros and Cons

PRP Face Lift Pros and Cons

As a provider of cosmetic dermatological procedures, practitioners like you always want to stay on top of the latest trends and up-and-coming procedures that your clients call you asking about. In order to do so in our ever-changing cosmetic dermatology landscape, it’s important for you to continue your medical education to learn about new treatment […]