Medical professionals, especially those who offer aesthetic procedures, are aware of the fact that clients consistently look for new opportunities to improve their features and reduce the signs of aging. Staying on top of current trends ensures your practice remains relevant and prosperous. Taking part in our PDO thread lift course can help you learn the skills you need to provide your patients with top-notch care. Below, we’ve addressed some of the most common questions we receive regarding our PDO thread course.
What Is a Thread Lift?
The PDO thread concept originated in Korea. To put it simply, a thread lift involves using polydioxanone sutures along the face and neck to give the skin a natural-looking lift. On average, the results from a thread lift last anywhere from one to two years, unlike many traditional cosmetic procedures, which need redoing every six to eight months.
There are several well-documented results for individuals who receive thread lifts. Typically, individuals see brighter, healthier skin as a result of the procedure. Additionally, many patients also notice the lifting and sculpting effect on the face and neck that takes place after a thread lift treatment. Other patients also use the treatment to help reduce or entirely eliminate wrinkles.
Most professional practices use local anesthesia to numb the patient’s face. While on a professional level, it is a non-surgical facelift, it offers the full benefits of traditional facelift methods with less pain and discomfort. Once numbed, the practicing physician marks the areas they’ll insert the PDO thread into the face, neck, and jawline.
The final result offers patients brighter, healthier skin. Results also include skin developing better elasticity and texture, creating happier, self-confident patients.
What Is Thread Learning?
During our certified thread lift training course, you’ll learn everything there is to know about thread lifting. The course design ensures coverage of all applicable topics, beginning with the history of PDO lifting. Once completed, graduates of the course will have the knowledge and skills necessary to offer PDO thread lift services to their clients.
Unlike many other organizations that offer thread lifting courses, we offer a blended class. Individuals enrolled in the program do so in two separate stages, with most of the instruction-based learning in the first stage taking place online. The first section of the course is also self-paced, allowing students to review and learn the materials in their own time and at their own speed. The traditional design for the class suggests it take place over the course of one day, with eight hours of instruction. However, students may work through the material in a way that suits their needs.
The second stage of the course offers hands-on training, which lasts up to six hours. During this time, the student will observe other individuals while they perform the procedure. Then, they will have the opportunity to complete the procedure under the guidance of an instructor.
Curriculum for Thread Learning
Now, we’d like to examine the basic course outline for students in the thread lift training course. Understanding the material, you’ll learn how you can benefit from it, which will help you decide if this training is the right choice for you.
Day one of the course, otherwise referred to as the first stage of training, includes eight hours of instruction. As previously stated, this is a guideline. Many students choose to complete the course material in one day, but you have the option to complete it at your own pace.
The first topic of the course provides some background to students on what a thread lift is and how it differs from more traditional facelift methods. Students will read material regarding the practical applications of a thread lift and the opinions of professional cosmetic practitioners on the process. This information gives students a solid foundation regarding thread lift practices.
Next, the students delve into information about facial anatomy and facial aging. In this section, they will develop an understanding of skin and fat. Additionally, they’ll examine how the skin ages over time and what processes impact aging or cause rapid aging. Lastly, they’ll identify the locations of blood vessels and major nerves along the face, neck, and jawline, learning how to perform the procedure without hitting these.
Students then phase into learning the history of thread lifting. This section includes information on the history of the process, when it originated, and the products that providers used to use. They will also review the differences between branded and non-branded PDO products, including the outcome differences.
They then will learn the different types of sutures used during PDO treatments, how it metabolizes in the body and the FDA-approved PDO products. Further, they’ll examine the physics behind the concept of facelifts and how to identify a good candidate for the PDO procedure.
Finally, in the last section of the first stage of training, students will learn how to perform a thread lift. Initially, they’ll learn about how to apply local anesthesia and what the maximum dosage of anesthesia should be. Then, they’ll begin learning how to mark the face and plan the procedure for the desired outcome. Lastly, they’ll learn how to ensure the customer provides consent to the procedure.
After this, the students ultimately review the best practices and techniques for the thread lifting process. They’ll learn how to apply PDO treatments to all areas of the face, neck, and jawline. Additionally, they’ll gain an understanding of the best volumization strategies to give customers long-term outcomes.
Stage Two of Thread Lift Education
The next stage of the thread lifting course requires students to appear in person. This section is typically anywhere from four to six hours long. Students have an opportunity to ask questions to a practicing professional and observe the procedure as it happens. They’ll then have their own opportunity to complete the process on a patient for successful course completion.
By the end of the course, students will have the ability to perform PDO lifts with the utmost confidence. They’ll receive certification to provide patients thread lift treatments in their personal offices or clinics. Additionally, they’ll receive access and discounts for ordering PDO-branded products directly from our online store.
If you’re a practicing medical professional looking to expand your knowledge and provide a beneficial, non-surgical facelift to your patients, thread lifting is a great choice. Though the course only lasts two days, it covers everything you’ll need to know to begin practicing immediately. You’ll receive guidance and feedback throughout the course to ensure you’re confident and prepared to start offering the service to your own clients. Our organization offers several exclusive learning tools to students.
If you feel like you’d be a good fit for our PDO lift course, we encourage you to reach out to us today. We’re excited to have you and ready to help you through this educational course.